Posted on 6/30/2023

For many people, listening to music while driving is an enjoyable way to pass the time and enhance the driving experience. However, when the volume is excessively loud or when headphones are worn, it poses serious risks to both the driver and other road users. Here are just a few of the reasons why you shouldn't do it:∥Distraction from External Auditory CuesWhen driving, our sense of hearing plays a crucial role in alerting us to potential dangers on the road. External auditory cues, such as sirens, horns, screeching tires, or the sounds of approaching vehicles, help us assess our surroundings and react accordingly. Driving with very loud music or wearing headphones diminishes our ability to hear these critical cues, leading to delayed reaction times and a higher risk of accident ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2023

Have you ever experienced your steering wheel shaking or vibrating while driving? It can be a frightening experience, especially if you don't know what's causing it. Your steering wheel is one of the most critical components of your car, and if it's vibrating or shaking, it's a sign that something is not working correctly. Keep reading to learn the most common reasons why your steering wheel might shake or vibrate and what you can do to correct it. Misaligned Wheels - Misaligned wheels are one of the most common explanations for a shaky steering wheel. When your wheels are not correctly aligned, they will create a wobbling motion that will be felt in your steering wheel. Misalignment can be caused by hitting a pothole or curb or just through normal wear and tear. To fix this issue, you will need to take your vehicle to a trusted auto repair shop to have your wheels aligned. Unbalanced Tires - If your tires ... read more
Posted on 4/28/2023

As a vehicle owner, you may be tempted to top off your engine's coolant with plain water when you notice the level is low. However, while it may seem like a quick fix, it's necessary to understand the risks and drawbacks of using water instead of the suggested coolant. Coolant serves multiple functions in your engine, such as keeping it from overheating, preventing rust and corrosion, and lubricating the water pump. A 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and water is typically recommended for most vehicles, as it provides the optimal balance of protection and performance. While water can help to lower engine temperature, it doesn't provide the same level of protection as coolant. Water can also freeze in colder temperatures, causing damage to your engine block and radiator. Additionally, using only water instead of a proper coolant mixture can lead to corrosion and clogging within your engine's cooling system, which can ultimately result in costly repairs. It's important ... read more
Posted on 3/30/2023

What Does the Check Engine Light Mean Have you ever been driving and suddenly the check engine light comes on? It's a moment of panic for many motorists, as it could mean a variety of different things. But what does the check engine light actually mean? And what should you do when the warning light comes on? The check engine light is part of the vehicle's onboard diagnostics system (OBD). When it detects a problem with the engine or emissions system, the check engine light will illuminate. It's vital for people to take the check engine light seriously, as it could indicate a serious issue with their vehicle. Ignoring it could lead to further damage or expensive repairs down the line. So, what should you do when the check engine light comes on? The first step is to try and determine the severity of the issue. If the light is steady, it could indicate a minor issue that doesn't require immediate attention. However, if the light is flashing or blinking, it's a sign t ... read more
Posted on 2/28/2023

As an auto repair shop, we see the consequences of improper car maintenance every day. While some mistakes are minor, others can have serious consequences for the health of your vehicle and your wallet. Here are the biggest mistakes that drivers make when it comes to cars: Neglecting Regular Maintenance: Not staying on top of regular maintenance such as oil changes, tire rotations, and fluid replacements can have serious consequences for your car’s longevity and performance. Ignoring these important tasks can cause your vehicle to break down unexpectedly, which can be expensive and inconvenient. Skipping Services After a Major Repair: Sometimes, after a big repair, drivers tend to think their vehicle is good to go and neglect scheduling follow-up services. This can lead to further damage to the vehicle and even more costly repairs in the future. Overloading Your Vehicle: Overloading your vehicle beyond its weight capacity can cause excessive wear and tear on your suspension, b ... read more