Vehicles are full of electrical systems that make driving easier. Unfortunately, sometimes they fail. If your vehicle is having trouble, look for these signs of common electrical system problems.
This is the most common cause of electrical issues in cars. Batteries can weaken and fail because of age, damage, loose wires, or something draining their power. If the battery just needs a recharge, a jump should get you going for at least a little while. However, recharging also takes a chunk out of the battery's life span. A fully dead battery will need replacing before you can get moving again.
If your engine won't turn over, your starter or solenoid may be bad. Often you'll just get a click or series of clicks when trying to start. A failed solenoid can also affect braking. This issue needs the prompt attention of a mechanic.
It's the alternator's job to keep the battery charged as you drive. If the alternator fails, the car will slow down and lights may dim and flicker. Get this into a shop as soon as possible. Until it's fixed, the battery will power all the car's electrical systems. This discharges it more quickly than it's meant to and can damage it.
Spark plugs
When spark plugs are loose or dirty, the vehicle will lurch, stall, or have a rough idle. Eventually, the engine won't be able to combust. If you notice signs of a spark plug issue, take the car to a shop as soon as possible.
A blown fuse usually causes part of the electrical system to lose power. For example, some of your lights might stop working. If fuses are blowing frequently, you might have loose wires or need the whole fuse box replaced.
It's best to have a professional look at your car when you notice any electrical issues. While some could be easy fixes, others should be handled by a mechanic. If you need car electrical repair, we invite you to bring your vehicle to Village Transmission & Auto Clinic today!