Posted on 2/28/2023

As an auto repair shop, we see the consequences of improper car maintenance every day. While some mistakes are minor, others can have serious consequences for the health of your vehicle and your wallet. Here are the biggest mistakes that drivers make when it comes to cars: Neglecting Regular Maintenance: Not staying on top of regular maintenance such as oil changes, tire rotations, and fluid replacements can have serious consequences for your car’s longevity and performance. Ignoring these important tasks can cause your vehicle to break down unexpectedly, which can be expensive and inconvenient. Skipping Services After a Major Repair: Sometimes, after a big repair, drivers tend to think their vehicle is good to go and neglect scheduling follow-up services. This can lead to further damage to the vehicle and even more costly repairs in the future. Overloading Your Vehicle: Overloading your vehicle beyond its weight capacity can cause excessive wear and tear on your suspension, b ... read more
Posted on 1/30/2023
For drivers in Edmonds, WA, it is a familiar sight to see frost and frozen windshields in the morning. While most people keep an ice scraper tool on standby, the defrosters in your car can significantly reduce the time it takes to melt your windshield. It helps clear the windshield by heating it up. When your defrosters stop working, it is a major inconvenience and not something you should blow off. To understand how it all works, you should know that various parts from multiple systems allow you to defrost and/or defog the windshield efficiently. The defroster is linked to both the HVAC system and the cooling system. The radiator and heater core use the heat absorbed by the coolant in the engine and use it to defrost the windshield. In other words, the cooling system also affects heater performance too. You should never cut corners to warm up your windshield in the winter as it can damage the glass. Instead, you should follow these steps to defrost your car: Turn on the ... read more